We’re creating interactive web design for dummies

💡 The vision behind Kites

Traditional CMS and WordPress sites can be overwhelming in terms of time, effort, and cost. No issues there, but we wondered, "What if there's a simpler way to establish a web presence or digitize a business?"

Certain content, like small catalogs, portfolios, event sites, landing pages, and other microsites, doesn't require the extensive backend of a traditional website.

Freelancers, agencies, and entrepreneurs seek a differentiating and easy way to promote their businesses or create content for clients without the struggle of creating a full-fledged website.

When we created Kites, our goal was to introduce a new monetization avenue that people hadn’t thought of before. Making it possible to create small websites for purposes they hadn't considered due to the time, effort and money associated with traditional website creation.

Our core values

🌟 Our team

Meet some of the incredible minds shaping the future of web design at Kites.

Lucas Pugni
Co-founder & CMO
Aitor Arratibel
Co-founder & CTO
Amadeo Jimenez
Co-founder & CEO
Andrea Mendoza
Digital marketer
María N Torvisco
Digital designer
Brianda Moreno-Mengs
Community Manager
César Arias
Creative copywriter
Juan Rouger
Back-end developer
Diego Junquera
Back-end developer
Pablo Milans
Back-end developer

Go ahead and try Kites

It's free, there's no time limit and no credit card is required! 😊